The easiest way to run MG3Hex in Cubase 13

This is how to run MG3Hex in Cubase 13 using a 6.0 surround audio track and input bus. Similar connections might be available in other DAW’s as well.

Use the GM-800 (or GP-10 / SY-1000) as audio interface. Set up a “6.0 Music” input bus with following connections:


Add an audio track with 6.0 Music configuration and use the previous created bus as input source:

Insert MG3 into that track and chose the Hex tracker. Adjust the channel configuration as shown below:

Now you can either use VST’s within MG3 and/or as external MIDI tracks.

Play and have fun!!


When I try this with both the SY-1000 and GP-10 as soon as I change tracker to HEX I only get the audio becoming midi starting from the 11th fret.

No clue why. :thinking:

You probably have the audio channels mapped wrong - maybe upside down?
(click “configure” in HEX and make sure the channels maps correctly to the string tuning labels)

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I just tried it with the SY-1000 and GP-10. With both it works as perfect as with the GM-800.

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I just hooked up a GP-10 to a Win computer. It’s basically the same setup. The USB mode of the GP-10 has to be set to “Re-Guitar/Amp II” in order not to hear the processed GP-10 output signal but just the DAW return.
Create a “6.0 Music” input bus with connections as shown below. Create a “Music 6.0” audio track with the previous created bus as input. Insert the MG3 VST3 plugin (VST2 doesn’t work), configure the Hex channel inputs (1-6 / high e to low E string) and you’re good to go.


What version of Cubase are you using?
Pro? or Artist?

I use the Pro version.