Tips for cleaning up your recording / MG3 / Cubase

I use MG3 in Cubase Pro 14 on a Windows computer.
After recording via MG3 on a track, I used to spend a lot of time cleaning up the recorded notes afterwards. Of course, because of my somewhat sloppy playing technique / playing style!

I have now created a Macro in Cubase, so that I simply press a key (in my case: G) when the recorded material is open in the editor and then Cubase deletes all the notes that are very short and those that have a very low velocity value. These are typically the 2 things I experience as errors due to my playing technique - or lack thereof!

If there are others who are struggling with the same problem, I would like to share the method with you - otherwise you can just hurry up and read on to another topic.

In the first picture you see a recording without any editing:

And here it is after I have pressed G once.

What I have done is:

I have created 2 logical user presets: One deletes notes that are very short and the other deletes notes that have a very low velocity (below 20):

I have then combined these 2 presets in a Macro that I have assigned to Key Command G:


The values ​​for how short notes are to be deleted and also for the velocity limit can be adjusted according to your own taste and playing style.

I hope the population of midi-guitar nerds can get some pleasure from this.

And if anyone has something similar that is more advanced, I would love to hear more!

Best regards from Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Hi @Henning, that’s a good suggestion for a workaround in Cubase.
In other realtime to midi programs, so-called cleanup tools are included with the main program, for example in DUBLER from Vochlea music, called capture:

It would be desirable if @JamO could install a similar cleanup function in MidiGuitar3. Especially for the use of tablature programs such as GuitarPro8 it would be a great relief for the input.

But it would also be very useful for the further processing of guitar to midi data in other DAW programs and in the stand alone version of MG3.