I use MG3 in Cubase Pro 14 on a Windows computer.
After recording via MG3 on a track, I used to spend a lot of time cleaning up the recorded notes afterwards. Of course, because of my somewhat sloppy playing technique / playing style!
I have now created a Macro in Cubase, so that I simply press a key (in my case: G) when the recorded material is open in the editor and then Cubase deletes all the notes that are very short and those that have a very low velocity value. These are typically the 2 things I experience as errors due to my playing technique - or lack thereof!
If there are others who are struggling with the same problem, I would like to share the method with you - otherwise you can just hurry up and read on to another topic.
In the first picture you see a recording without any editing:
And here it is after I have pressed G once.
What I have done is:
I have created 2 logical user presets: One deletes notes that are very short and the other deletes notes that have a very low velocity (below 20):
I have then combined these 2 presets in a Macro that I have assigned to Key Command G:
The values for how short notes are to be deleted and also for the velocity limit can be adjusted according to your own taste and playing style.
I hope the population of midi-guitar nerds can get some pleasure from this.
And if anyone has something similar that is more advanced, I would love to hear more!
Best regards from Copenhagen, Denmark.