Triggering VSI Instruments via MG3 in Reaper. What am I doing wrong?

I am successfully able to run MG3 from Reaper and use MG3 alongside my analog mixer and conventional guitar. I installed Surge XT, and am able to use it from within MG3 to get sounds out as a VST; however, I’ve been unable to properly set up Surge XT to get input from within Reaper. I recorded what I’m seeing here…
My Reaper Setup

If you are a Reaper person willing to further coach me through this, I’d be grateful.

It’s a routing thing but why not simplify things.
input from guitar to track1, MG3 in the rack of track1 followed by SurgeXT in the rack of track1.
So everything is happening inside track1.

Did you use the MIDI OUTPUT tool in MG3 to send midi out to the track?

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No on the Midi Out… Should I be doing that? I’m fairly green on on Reaper and had someone who was not MG3 smart help me configure.

Yes, click at the end of the active CHAIN and from MIDI TOOLS select MIDI OUTPUT tool, then select OUTPUT TO TRACK.
I’m not in front of my computer so the names might not be exact but bottom line without this MIDI OUTPUT tool no midi will be sent out of MG3.