Universal Audio Luna

Hi, does any of you have experiece with using MIDI GUITAR 2 on UNIVERSAL AUDIO LUNA? I am trying but really can’t.

MG only connects to coreaudio on mac ( and ASIO on windows for that matter)
If your luna reveals itself as an normal sound coreaudio interface in your apple system, then it should be usable in MG as well.
Please note that MG needs microphone permission (for apple any sound input is a microphone!)

You need to give microphone access to our app, that is new since Mojave. For apple, any audiointerface also is a microphone.
When first started macos asks whether or app should get microphone access.
Afterward you can set the access with
apple’s system preferences/security & privacy/ tab: privacy
Choose “Microphone” from left column, make sure our app is checked in right column.