Using MG2 for iOS as a standalone application

Hi there,

I am new with this stuff and have many problems and questions about MG 2…

Lets start with this:
I use MG 2 in Iphone (IOS 18.3), iRig HD 2
I have purchaced both MIDI Outputs and AU hosting extensions

  1. as a stand alone, MG2 is very ”patch dependent”: I would say that most of the time patches THUNDER PAD 1 and 2 work ok, but many other patches not so well or at all. I have noticed that eg TEST PIANO works very, very rarely: there is no sound at all and nothing happens on Gain display (but if I change to the THUNDER PAD, it works). So what to do?

  2. I bought a Melodica AU to test how to use it in MG2. I cannot figure out how to do it. I assume that I can buy various AU Instruments and play then with my guitar using MG2 stand alone app. Am I right?

Thanx for advices!

  1. Did you check your audio settings/input settings?
  2. What is “a Melodica AU”? Is it perhaps an iOS/iPadOS plugin (AUv3) or a macOS plugin (AUv2…as a general rule)?
  1. settings are ok - otherwise I coundn’t hear THUNDER PADs? I thought that if one patch is working then others will work too. Did I got it wrong?

  2. ‎Melodica App Storessa

  3. I have noticed that there is three ways the patches work: they work fine (eg THUNDER PADs most of the time), second is they work but I hear lots of cracking noise with the actual sound and third is absolute nothing (unfortunatelly this is most common with eg TEST PIANO, and most of the other patces).

Could you include some screenshots of your settings?

Are you having regular success with other audio processing applications so we have a point of comparison - e.g. does AmpliTube work as expected for you? I assume you have this app since you’re running an iRig but any app that processes audio from your iRig will do.

The Melodica AUv3 will be selectable from the instrument box once you’ve scanned plugins.

Here are some screenshots… but I think they dont do justice for the problem: somethimes everything works well, but sometimes (well, mainly) not, there is no logic. This applies to every screenshot: MG2 works or it does not work (at the very moment the shot was taken).

I tried AmpliTube: no problems!

I got the Melodica AUv3 working in MG2, though! Couple of times I have also managed to use MG2 in GarageBand too. But many times when I open MG2 and go to the MIDI-section to choose Virtual midi…nothing happens (see the last pic).

That SAMPLERATE/Buffersize look rather suspicious. Can you change samplerate to 44.100 or 48.000?

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Many times when I open MG2 app, the sample rate is 32000. When I try to change it, there are two options: 44100 and 48000. When I try to pick one those options, nothing changes or it jumps to 96000! And sometimes I hear the sound, sometimes not.
So, what’s going on? Could it be bad guitar cable or ”hardware thing”? I have tried couple of guitar cables and different guitars though…

Do you have another app open that is using your input as well? That might be what is “controlling” the sample rate setting. Try closing everything, and restart MG2, and see what happens. (I saw this tip from @Paul in this forum.)

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Any idea what that app might be? As far as I know, there is not any app running. I dont even use Siri in iphone, and I have also switched off the iphone many times.

No idea! It was a suggested solution, and @Paul is a really knowledgeble guy, so I just hoped it would be a solution. I haven’t had that issue myself at any point.

Off the top of my head, make sure you dont have YouTube running in your iPhone’s browser application…I think that can hijack the sample rate. Check that there are no additional headphone/speaker devices attached. Also hard restart the device to make sure a ghost app hasn’t grabbed the sample rate setting and kept it hostage in the background.

I did quite big erasing of iphone apps: I got rid of all browers, youtube, various guitar tuners, spark app and so on. I switched of blue tooth and even tried with no internet connection. But still have same problems!

I also tried MG2 on my windows 10 laptop. Windows has problems to detect iRig 2 HD. Do I need some special ASIO-driver to use MG2 on windows? Or could it be the iRig interface that is causing all these problems?! I will see if I can try some other interface…

IK Multimedia provides an ASIO driver for the iRig HD 2 on Windows. There is also a firmware update module you might want to try.

That said, it’s a class-compliant device so it should just work in macOS/iOS-iPadOS.

What happens if you try to use wired headphones or the internal mic/speaker as the audio device?

If I understand you right, with internal mic/speaker I get continuous feedback sound from my iphone (see the pic of settings)

Yes, of course there will be feedback. The idea was to check how the sample rate responds.

There’s a problem with your buffer size – it should not be 257 samples. I saw this same issue on iOS 18 with both Space Guitar and MIDI Guitar 2. I believe iOS 17 was immune to it, but please search to confirm.

There’s another thread covering this very subject on the forum. Among other reasons, MG3 beta for iOS was released as a fix for this sample rate issue, which many apps using the JUCE framework were experiencing under iOS 18.

You may like to try the iOS beta version of MG3 which should solve this issue.

But regardless, I’d recommend updating the firmware on the iRig device.

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I will try MG3 beta. I cannot update iRig at the moment (because to my understanding you cannot do it with iphone alone, you need a pc/mac, and I only have a pc…).

I dont know what to say… :face_with_spiral_eyes: