What to do

Hey guys… bout a year ago, I took a shot at picking your brains about MG2 and I drew up some diagrams. I proposed the same questions to 2 different communities: MG2 & Gig P.
The result felt like it blew up. Then following that, Windows 7 absolutely quit support and I felt forced to migrate to Windows 10. That was a nightmare, then the Covid nightmare, and finally…here I am. Was hoping to be able to help and contribute something, but really if done properly it just takes forever to come round the bend.
WINDOWS 10 | MG2 | 16GB ram | 6 processor AMD gigabyte
After all these decades of fiddling with guitar and waiting for someone to interface into piano, I some how spotted you wonderful people. I was like: Ahhhsommme. Finally, piano…yeah.
Trouble is in the last year of forging forward, I realized my picking style is quite dependent on certain circumstances. I don’t use a pick, not in 40 years.
I just began driving my hand into the strings long ago and I guess some kind of style came out of it.
Utilzing the butt of the palm, the softer tips of thumb and fingers….and…half the time alternating with the backs of the nails, both thumb and fingers. I realize those are my horn section if you will. When composing a piece, the muted low end drives the beat and the back of the nails bring forth a higher frequency of poly strikes.
If I incorporated a horn section or whatever, I would simply have them come in with the nail strikes. Wow, so dependent on it, that I found myself not dwelling on MG2 in the Gig Performer DAW, but just picking the guitar up…and I was like…but why? Then the realization of how 50% of the events were nails. Boom chaka boom. Don dant. Whatever.
So, I still for the life of me, I cannot get across the barrier of not having any clue to buy a vst that will give me per midi control hit, a bass drum or snare/ cymbals with the nails, and or those particular strings.
I can work around any of that probably, but cannot by pass the use of the nails.

OR….AND… some kind of EQ or whatever that will mellow out the Tin-ee-ness caused by the nails. PLEASE….and thank you guys… you are beautiful. All I do is play. I cant spread wings until I have my instant response percussion on the fly and the nails toned down, yet still bright as Angel light. 
Direct drum response & mellow nail tone?