Zoom l6 - not yet ready for prime time (asio driver issues)

i did a quick test with a zoom l6 mixer and mg3hex running a single instance of surge xt, it’s crackly at 64 samples, but works fine at 128.

i would have liked to tweak string levels but i couldn’t find the hex gain module - any other hex users know where it is hiding?

definitely a pedal-board-friendly option, $300 is a pretty fair price.

i’ll give it a more thorough workout and update this thread later. i emailed zoom support to ask if the l6 should perform similarly to the l8, which does work fine at 64 samples.


You’ll find the gain module under “Essentials” > “Gain”

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It’s an adaptive module — it changes depending on the selected tracker.

Hi, sorry for my ignorance but just curious about the breakout cable, do you need to use the din to power up in order to get the 6 signals from the pickup?

If you want to use the the pre-amps of a GK3 PU you need to power it up. Pin 12 (+7VDC) & Pin 13 (-7VDC). But I made good experience with a unpowered GK3 and a good mixer with excellent pre-amps.

i’m using the graphtech hexpander which can be powered via gk13 cable or battery.

on the cable end opposite the guitar there is an extra connector for power, which is connected to a dual 9V battery pack.

i got both the cable and the battery pack from separate strings. both are well made products which look and feel like they will survive heavy use on the road.

Tks guys, really appreciated your feedbacks! I think I will go to this route with this breakout cable and Zoom´s compact mixer

if you’re not in a hurry, i plan to give the zoom a more thorough workout over the next few days and provide an update.

i did take it for a successful test drive, but didn’t really get into the nitty gritty.

my high e string requires a significant gain boost, i have it maxed using the mg3 gain control. this is probably a guitar specific problem, i have to check to see if it is the same with the zoom l8.

one thing i have to figure out is how to use stereo inputs 3/4/5 instead of mono 1 and 2 plus stereo 3 and 4.


some more issues have emerged:

  • the unit is 48k only
  • running the control panel requires mg3/daw shutdown first
  • crackles at 128 and 256 samples with a variety of synths (korg, arturia, surge xt - single instance of single synth w/ no efx).

i submitted a ticket on march 5, no response yet from zoom tech support.

i’m next going to test it as i intend to use it: 64 samples, no instruments or efx, using mg3send to route the midi to both software and hardware instruments.

hopefully this is a device which shipped before the driver was ready, hardware-wise i have no complaints.


Following with interest :slight_smile:

Hi @kimyo, thank you for sharing your experience with the Zoom L6.

Maybe you could try it without the internal FX of the Zoom L6, or change it from 32bit-float to 24bit to reduce the crackling.

i’ll double check on the internal fx, but i’m pretty sure they’re not active on the incoming stream.

and all of my recent tests were at 24 bits. i had a bit of weirdness using the 32 bit float, so i switched it prior to running the last set of tests.

in my intended setup, mg3hex will be fed by the zoom l6, and ableton will use another interface. this does not work at 64 samples (notes get cut off, and it is otherwise glitchy)

at 128 samples the l6 seems fine so far.

the zoom l8 works great in this configuration at 64 samples.


Hi kimyo, you’re mention asio driver in your title. I am assuming you’re testing in windows os?
I am wondering if l6 will be more stable on mac os perhaps?

it certainly is possible that the l6 will be more stable on mac. i’d test it out but i’m not a mac user and can’t think of anyone near by who might be willing to spare one for testing.

@anjo - i’ve confirmed that the efx were zero’d out during my tests.

i’ve spent another couple of hours with the l6 at 128 samples, sending midi via a virtual port to ableton, and it worked well enough, another few sessions like this and i’ll be okay with it, although 128 does seem slightly sluggish after 64.

mg3hex alt-tuning and multichannel midi out to six instances of the korg triton is insanely great. almost unbelievably great.

also very very nice is using the whammy on just one or two strings in an open tuning. i have one pedal for the d and b strings and another for the g and e.

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here’s a video of mg3hex running at 128 samples on the l6, with multichannel midi controlling six instances of the korg triton (in ableton, on a motu m4).

i demo transposing octaves and muting strings with a behringer x-touch mini, and controlling whammy and sustain with an opendeck diy controller.