So, I’ve been using MG2 for some time now and find it covers almost all of the bases I need it to. However, I have been going mad trying to figure out something for my band’s live gigs which shouldn’t be so terribly difficult.
What I am trying to accomplish is to play a backing track in wav form when I hit a certain note, while the guitar’s signal comes through, and be able to keep strumming the same chord without retriggering the sample every time. As it stands, I am attempting to use a sampler such as TX16Wx, which works to trigger the sample at the pitch I would like, but it retriggers a 4 bar sample every time I strum the rest of the rhythm, resulting in a sort of “remix” type sound instead of simply playing the 4 bar wav. Is anyone aware of a different sampler software that can accomplish this task, or perhaps a MIDI machine? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The following midi machine can be focused on a range or a single note, the output can be assigned to a specific midi channel and midi note. The original midi can be switched off, so that only the triggered note is used. You can also use the sampler on a separate midi channel and have just synth sounds on all other notes, depending on your synth config
Paul, thank you for the advice. However, even with the Range to One Note MIDI machine, I continue to have the same problem with the sample retriggering every time I hit the same note. I would like the wav to play for 4 bars while I continue to strum the same chord for 8, and then retrigger the wav at the beginning of the next 8 bars.
looping the sample should be done in the sampler.
the timing of the sample played makes it impossible to make an easy midi machine to do it all on our side. It can only be done if you use a dedicated note or range that is only used for the triggering of the sample.
Hello Kilgore Trout, while browsing the forum today, I came across your post and maybe a late response can help you if you still have this problem.
1/ assign the only note to be triggered on your sampler (i.e. root key/low key/high key = E2)
2/ insert a MG2 “sustain” midi machine with the option: Forward CC64 to instrument. You can assign a different CC number.
3/ That’s all !
Play E2 then press MG2 sustain pedal on screen. It keeps playing the sample till the end unless you release it, while you keep on strumming.
For more convenience, I use a footswitch that can be latched or unlatched according to need: if you want to play whole sample, only part of a sample or loop several times.
I use (on pc) a free sampler called Shortcircuit by Vember Audio.
In a MG2 patch, a dozen of samples can be triggered all together or separately.
More on settings in my post Gear, Wishes, Works