I’m using a SoftStep to send Prog Chang msgs, running in stand alone mode. PC 001 Selects Acoustic Piano, 002 selects Bass Strings, etc. Works great, but I can’t select any of the patches I created. I even named a patch to "001 " but sending PC 001 still selects “Acoustic Piano”. I can’t see any way to assign PC numbers to patches, so how do I map my patches to my controller?
Thanks! BTW otherwise everything is great. Loving this ap!
Welcome to the forum, Mark. I think this might help Use a controller for Patch Change [DISCUSSION] there’s a whole thread on this subject. Your idea to number your patch was on the right track but if you have more than one track with the same number you will run into trouble.
Thanks Max. Good read, but most of it pertained to use within Logic. I’m using MG stand alone. After lots of fiddling, rebooting, etc, I have made progress. Sending PC 0 selects patch “001 xxxx”. Sending PC 1 selects patch “002 xxxx” and so on. So I created a patch named “000 xxxx” and now PC 1 selects patch “001 xxxx”. Weird bug, but got it all working. Thanks, Mark