@JamO, that’s great! Thank you very, very much. Now it gets really interesting for bassists who want to play bass and chords together
Yes, good point!
There is a vast space for combining the bass guitar sound with synths leads or ambients. The application should make such things easy to setup and control.
@JamO, especially in small bands, like trios, it’s very useful and fills out the sound a lot if the bass can play additional rhythm or (power) chords, especially if the lead guitar is playing a solo, for example.
It would also be nice to have the option of using bending for other control purposes independently of the audio bass tone…
this would be a really useful feature. converting string bend to pressure or filter control isn’t something you’d use in every song, but at least a couple in the set would greatly benefit from this additional technology.
Thats a good idea. Lets try to add bend as a modulator, similar to pressure, brightness, etc…
@JamO, I would like to remind you of my feature request from Oct 2024:
‘Guitar audio input including bending tones + autotune = audio guitar output without bending tones + independent bending use as universal finger controller for audio/midi effect units’ (unfortunately I don’t know how to link this correctly in this post)
I imagine the bending of the bass guitar in such a way that it no longer audibly influences the bass tone and can be used as a completely independent controller, like a continuous foot pedal (not only usable for modulation) for all conceivable purposes.
Yes, I think I understand:
If we have a new bend modulator, we can use that to control something - say a lowpass filter cutoff - for each note, by bending the string. Then, we also want to remove the bend from the midi, which we can do for example with the chromatic module (maybe it needs a new remove bend option). Something like that?
No, I meant something else, much more far-reaching control that uses the bending of the string like a foot pedal, as I described in the ‘Feature Request’ category in the autotune/bend module in Oct 2024.
This can be used for all kinds of stepwise triggering of additional chord tones, e.g. for short accentuated string and brass fill ins, as a multi-octave pedal and also as a continuous bend controller for all kinds of sound effects (and all without bending of original audio bass tone)
Ok,I’ll reference some of you ideas here:
It’s a little terse to read but im sure you are onto something. I’ll dig in once I get more time!
I’ll just make a first baby step by making a bend modulator - ie. make “bending being able to work like a foot pedal”. That can be used for all sorts of things.
@JamO thank you for understanding me.
Can I also put such references in my own posts, or is it reserved for the forum admin?
Yes, sure, just post a link and the forum does that for you.
Perhaps once again for a better basic understanding: Bass is not a lowered guitar.
Bass is not as often a soloist as a guitar, but often has a supporting function in a band context, which can be supported by additional functions such as playing chords.
Bending as a means of expression doesn’t play as important a role with the bass as it does with the guitar, which is why the bending of the bass guitar can often be used with ‘isolated bending’ as a universal controller for typical additional accompaniment functions.
You could think of it as a ‘third hand’ for the bass player