License Code

Continuing the discussion from Shameless/Unofficial first MIDI Guitar 3 BETA for Windows:

Where do you put in your license code?

After clicking “I have previously purchased…” you can enter your email (the email you used when making the purchase) and it will send a code to this email which you can type in (exactly as shown).

Hi mg3 win. Great so far on surface pro 7, but the activation gave me problems I think I sent 7 mails before I could enter correctly enter the activation key. I was wondering if , after the second mail, I was over quota cause I had already received two :wink:
Good work

Looking forward the vst like every1. Ciao

First of all - I love the new beta version it is completely incredible…!
I have a different problem. I tried to send a mail with no luck so now I’ll ask in here.
When I registered many years ago I used the email adress but now I use - is it possible to change this somehow?
The beta version sends mails to my old adress so I cannot activate it…


I just replied to your email.