Shameless/Unofficial first MIDI Guitar 3 BETA for Windows

This is a shameless first release for Windows. The standalone application should be reasonable stable.

Unless you are very curious about this, please wait a bit for an official BETA release with more example patches and documentation.

Download link at the beta page

Please mind, MG3 is all about MIDI MPE, so a good MPE synth is highly recommended!

Known issues:

Blurry UI or UI scaling:

When Windows desktop scaling is set to other than 100%, Ableton Live will auto-scale the MG3 plugin, and the UI becomes blurry. One way to address this:
Right click on the Ableton Live icon => properties => compatibility => Change High DPI Settings => select “Application”.

MIDI MPE not working in DAW

Use VST2 over VST3. VST2 has perfect MPE support, but the VST3 format only supports MIDI MPE via a workaround of translating MIDI to “VST3 note expressions” and back to MIDI. Furthermore, most DAWs will enable MPE by default when using the VST2, but not when using the VST3.
DAW setup video instructions.

VST Scanning issues

Any dodgy plugins will end the scanning process, but MG3 should stay alive. Try to scan again and it continues where it left off.
For users with a thousand plugins, there is a command line interface (to be described)…

Incompatible VST plugins

Spectrasonics, EZDrummer… we’ll sort this out of course, but its not so high priority right now.

Changes in 3.0.50:

  • NEW: VST2 and VST3 plugin versions.

  • NEW: Added few built-in example patches (thank you so much @pasha)

  • NEW: Scan for plugins in settings

  • NEW: Scan plugins from command-line

  • NEW: GAIN module, apply gain to both STRIKE, PRESSURE and audio.

  • NEW: Removed MUTE module, subsumed by GAIN module.

  • NEW: Plugins listed with “show details” button

  • NEW: MIDI DEVICE module, send CC and midi notes, and forward input notes

  • NEW: VST plugins respond to MIDI input from DAW (CC and program change)

  • NEW: It comes packaged in an installer.

  • FIX: Save/Load patches inside DAW projects

  • FIX: MIDI Program Change should change patch

  • FIX: MIDI OUTPUT tries to only open one MIDI output device

  • FIX: MIDI GUITAR 3 module, input gain also control input gain for the guitar signal

  • FIX: LEGATO module re-triggering and 1ms resolution

  • FIX: Patch selector show the current selected patch

  • FIX: Patch Bay shows at least 7 CC connectors

  • FIX: WIN: Window default size is always set smaller than screen

  • FIX: WIN: Mouse-right-button-drag to scroll UI

  • FIX: WIN: When VST2 and VST3 plugins have the same name, show only the VST3

  • FIX: Allow patch names to contain special characters (!@#$%-+*)

  • FIX: Save/Load the keyboard/seaboard state in patches


  • FIX: Various other minor fixes


@JamO Thank you for all your hard work! Will check it out!

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Vital Audio is missing the SHOW EDITOR text where it says it on other instruments that I have tested so far.

Godin 13-pin Guitar, Boss GP-10 as a soundcard plugged into a Ryzen 7945HX laptop playing for the very first time with this ”Shameless/Unofficial MG3 BETA” :sweat_smile: =
:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Will MG3 replace the Jamstik Studio MIDI guitar?

Yes! Without a doubt. :smile: :+1:

This has already been concluded by me from briefly testing the ”Shameless/Unofficial MG3 BETA” with the buffer at 128 in Standalone!

With the Jamstik I’ve kept the buffer at 32. :wink:

I can’t even imagine what the official MG3 release will actually be like but it already has so many amazing features (and probably more coming) and the tracking in this BETA is already great! :muscle:

This is not some type of exaggeration:
MG3 might actually be one of the most important software releases ever!

@JamO If you do decide in your very busy schedule to add the talked about hexaphonic option, please let it be something that we GP-10/SY-1000 owners will have to pay for.

I sincerely wish all members over at would buy this add-on so you could maybe travel where the weather is nice and you yourself could sit and play with this amazing software that you have developed! :wink:


Interestingly enough (in a way I guess lol) Jamstik Creator Software works with MG3! I’m very anxious to find other MPE stringed instrument emulated vsts for MG3 use! SWAM seems to work great so far, as does Pianoteq, ROLI, etc! Very cool stuff! Thank you so much @JamO!
Edit: I was getting a lot of stuttering/crackling/lag til I turned on multithreading!

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:sweat_smile: :+1:

And is FREE:

some of the probably useful addons cost something, have you tested any of those?

I only have one add-on that cost money that I got very cheap during Black Friday or something like that years ago, not sure I even installed it. :wink:

The Jamstik is still great to use with an iPad in Bluetooth Midi mode, but I suspect MG3 for iOS with some wireless gear could replace it as well. :slight_smile:

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I’ve heard its a decent guitar to boot but MG3 is truly great even in the beta phase lol

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I will see if I can make a list for you of various MPE plugins. :slight_smile: Have you tried Tomofon by Klevgrand? I’ve enjoyed using it for iPad, a desktop version is also available.

Need to catch some sleep now because tomorrow is a really big day - I’ll try MG3 for the very first time with a fretless - after that I will see what will happen when using MG3 with various unique instruments from all over the world… :wink:

Catch you later! :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure Thank you! Good night! A list would be great, especially stringed stuff. Have not tried Tomofon yet

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Woow, this thing tracks beautifully!. I think noticeably better than MG2 which I have used extensively. MPE brings it a new life for sure.
About the beta testing, atm everything seems to work as expected. Need to try everything and more deeply of course.
Will be very useful if we come recopilating MPE capable vstis, at this momment Im not sure which one have this functionality.


A good starter point for free MPE vstis are Surge XT and Vital Basic. I’ll be using SWAM solo instruments such as Cello and Violin and Classical Guitar from Pianoteq in terms of MPE stringed stuff at the start. Are you looking for anything in particular? Tomofon looks great.


Thank you for your hard work on this and I’m sure it is very much appreciated by all of us here. As others have said, the tracking is great and even though I am rusty, I got very good results. The only issue I had was as you noted, some plugins will crash but I love the way you provided dialogs to tell me which plugin. In my case it is RapidComposer, and it was my doing as I had renamed an old V3 folder but once I fixed that the rescan worked without error. I don’t plan on using some of my plugins in MG3 anyway so I’m not sure if you will provide a way to disable or remove any selected plugins from a list inside MG3.
I only did some quick tests with my low end 2ghz dell laptop (it is not meant for audio from what I have learned and I get glitching in my DAW’s also) and did have some high CPU and audio glitching using Equator 2 and Pigments 5 but once I install MG3 on my 4ghz desktop I’m sure I won’t have any problems with high CPU or glitches.
Once again, thank you for the Unofficial BETA release. I know where I will be spending my weekend.


Amazing. Thank you for all the hard work obviously put into this.

First impression. Unreasonable effective at pulling so much information out of a jack. I use roland GM-800 into a RC-600 looper. Tired every fishman and a few roland hexpickups in combination with 10 different guitars, but right off the bat I prefer the MG3 tracking to GM800 and tripleplay. I can’t discern any difference in latency compared to GM800 but there is something about MG3 which makes it more intelligent, as if it knows where I’m going.

I really look forward for testing this and build a rig around MG3. Can anybody recommend a general MPE synth with acoustic modelling?

I’m a looper player and will give the looper module a spin. Any chance it will also record audio?

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14 posts were split to a new topic: Windows Defender Malware detection

Thank you all for the feedback! :pray: That went smoother than I had feared :slight_smile:
I’ll focus on finishing the VST plugin scanner this weekend.

As a few mentioned, Multi-Threading is in fact needed for lowering peak CPU usage, and thus will likely solve crackles on slower setups. However, it will also add roughly one buffer of latency. This is not as bad as it sounds: Often you can lower the buffer size a notch (for lower latency) because of multithreading efficiency, and this way multithreading makes up for itself.

Since we are trying to use very low buffersizes, it’s important to make sure the hardware and audio interface runs smoothly to avoid any clicks and pops in the audio. You can check your PC for DPC latency which can occur even on the fastest PCs and make it unsuitable for real-time audio, because of any unoptimised hardware component/driver, using LatencyMon (freeware):


I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone, but for me, the application opens extremely large in size. I presume it’s because of my 125% scaling setting, I’ve had the same problem when developing GUIs for my midi controllers. The app opens with the title bar hidden away, so I can’t drag the app, and I don’t have access to the close, minimize and expand buttons. When I reduce my system scaling to 100% I can then sort of glitch the app out with bottom right size grip for the title bar to appear.

I use a windows scaling setting of 160% on my laptop and have no issues with scaling MG3 to any size I want it to have.

Hmm, Opened ok the first time I ran it, input was showing graphically but no audio output.
Subsequent attempts to run it give “ASIO Driver Open Failure!”.

Computer restarts make no difference.

Input/Output device Line 6 TonePort UX2