Midi controller not working with Vhorns in MG2

I’m using MG2 with a midi 3 fader controller.

I’m using MG2 standalone.
But, the midi controller is not working with Vhorns in MG2.

I’ve selected the midi 3 fader controller in MG2 midi interface > control.

The midi 3 fader controller does not function in VHorns as a MG2 instrument.

I can see the midi messages in MG2 midi monitor.

The midi channel is the correct settings in Vhorns, I’ve setup the correct CC in the midi controller.
It works perfectly using VHorns as a standalone, but not using MG2.

I’m new to midi controllers.

Any ideas?

Hey Guy. I triple-checked this and, there seems to be an issue with the UVIWorkstation VST3 version. If you have the plain VST version also installed, try that. I tried with both breath controller and expression pedal. Nothing gets through. I havent seen this since I use Falcon mostly. I am going to have to check the Falcon VST3 now.

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Many, many thanks. I thought I had setup something incorrectly.

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No, I am looking at more VST3s and I am sensing this is a bigger problem, so stay away from VST3 until MG3 if you can. I’ve tried a few SWAM and Arturia plugins with the same result, and when searching this forum I found this poor contributor having reported, but with no response, unfortunately.

So sorry about that!


EDIT: Sorry the plain VST version of UVIWorkstation using MG2 works ok, user error.

Now that is strange! Can you get the controller to work with anything in MG2? You should be able to click MIDI Learn and then click GAIN for instance?

Can you control that?


Sorry, I apologise, the 3 fader controller works ok with the plain VST version of UVIWorkstation using MG2.

It my user error at fault.

Everything works ok with the plain VST version of UVIWorkstation, I can get back to playing my guitar.

You play some great stuff on midi guitar, you inspired me to buy MG2 for my guitar.

Many thanks for your great help.

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No problem! Glad you got it to work! That is what counts! :+1:

Hopefully in MG3 the MIDI controller works with UVIWorkstation VST3?