[Solved] LoopBe1 and loopMIDI not working with MPE

I sent midi out from MG3 through loopbe1/loopmidi in MPE mode to studio one. Playing the instruments works but barely tracks correctly and mpe just doesn’t work. Im using the jamstik creator software.
The standard method i use for midi guitar 2 to track midi with MG3 is still the best way by far for me.
I really want to use this software live in church along with my normal guitar sounds
I am on Windows btw:)
Also if anyone wanna do some windows testing together id be down for that:)

I was under impression that the MG3 VST2 works with studio one, but I may be wrong.

If you use loopmidi, please try to go into audio settings and force multi threading. Restart MG3. Does that help?

Ohh the vst2 version works with mpe? Okay when i go home ill try this. Thanks a bunch;). Ill let you know the results

To be fair though, i remember trying the vst2 with jamstik creator and the mpe didnt work. Then i tried the method you had in your videos but i saw in the comments that for windows users it doesnt work currently. Which is where you recommended loopbe1. But it mutes itself everytime because of some feedback of sorts. So i trued loopmidi and it tracks. But just not well and it doesnt work with mpe

Using the midi output with loopBe, should track and play exactly the same notes as if you host a synth internally. So clearly something is wrong.

Im trying to think of whether it could be a problem on the MG side, with the MIDI OUTPUT module on windows and that it might stall the audio thread and thus sending midi messages.

If that suspicion is correct, forcing it to use multithreading would probably help, maybe not fix it entirely, but it would be a good hint for me that there is a problem on the MG side.

Yeah you are right. Ill be home in anout two hours so ill definately check it out:)

Okay i’m home now @JamO I tried both vst2 and vst3 versions. They both track with midi 1.0 legacy alone in studio one 6.
I tried standalone MG3 with loopmidi and used it as the input for studio one. All the modes( mpe, 1.0 multichannels, legacy) all work but the mpe does not have polyphonic bends or even bends at all. 1.0 legacy is the only one with bends
Its also on force multithreading.

Sounds like you didnt enable MPE and set the pitch bend range in Studio one.

I tried all this and im still not getting any bends @JamO :frowning:

Hi Jordon

I am (still) on a Mac, but lets see how far we can get anyway?

As I understand it you want to play MG3 with Studio One? Does it matter how (to begin with)? If you can set it up with MG3 in standalone mode, and use loopbe1 to send to Studio one, you might be able to create a “NEW Keyboard” if you see “loopbe1” in the “Recieve from” list.

You need to do this to check the MPE box, otherwise you won’t have any bends.

I am not sure if you can use loopbe from inside Studio One itself. If you can, you can use ithe plugin version. I suspect you can’t, since the VSTs are sending MIDI directly from track to track it is usually not possible.

But you say you have tried all this, so let me know how exactly you set up, and maybe I can halp you? NEW Keyboard (not instrument)?

Yeah i tried exactly what you did and it still doesnt do polyphonic bends. It wasnt doing any bending before at all until i changed the pitch bend range to 2 in the standalone mg3. Even tho it bends at 2, it functions just like 1.0 legacy even though its in mpe mode:(
But hey, now i feel like a real beta tester :smile::joy:

Yeah, so now I am confused! You are using both Jamstik and MIDI Guitar 3? How are you setting up? What exactly does your signal chain look like?

Okay let me explain:

  1. Guitar into Multieffects pedal, usb into laptop, dry di guitar signal is used
  2. Standalone MG3. Send midi through loopmidi
    ( app similar to loopbe1)
  3. In Studio One 6, i select loopmidi as midi keyboard. Renamed it MG3
  4. I load up the Jamstik Creator software since its an mpe vst3 instrument

Ok, so it is most likely a Jamstik creator issue?
Did you go into the Jamstik Menu and change from the default “Single Channel” setting to “MPE”?

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i have definately not tried that as yet. when i go home ill test it out :laughing::smile:

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Yeah its working as intended now. Thanks alot admins:)

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