Sound card compatibility with MG2 and MG3

I tried using the Roland GR55 as an audio interface some time ago without MG2/3, but I quickly abandoned the experiment because it had too high a latency so it was unmanageable.

Well, the case to prove is that you get something into MG3. So that it isn’t anything wrong with MG3 at this point. And the AUDIO should not have a latency issue I believe.

Your windows screen shot shows that updates are waiting to be installed, that’s probably not the reason but just to exclude it you could do the update.

But as I wrote in one of my previous posts if I use MG2 with Reaper, everything works fine so it means that the signal is coming from my sound card to MG2 otherwise if it wasn’t that way also it shouldn’t work but instead it works.
MG3 with Reaper also works but MG3 does not allow me to assign any sounds from Native Instrument or other VSTs I have.

Yes, it works because you get the AUDIO from Reaper. In standalone you need to set up a working signalchain for MIDI Guitar to receive audio to begin with.

Ok, so I tested dowloading the lates driver for GR55, restarted my computer, and choose “GR-55 44.1kHz” and just went with the Channel 1 (default) and I got sound. Now I get the modeled sounds of course, so his is just a test for you to see if it is something up with your m-Audio audio interface or not. You might want to change the right top window to “Computer speakers” or something for this test, just to see if you hear something as well. This is what my setup look like (I am using my standard Scarlett for monitoring purposes (since I know it works))

I did the update, but nothing changed.

Did you use a MIDI cable like this one at the following link connected between GR55 and laptop?

It is a standard USB cable, yes.

But we are NOT talking about sending MIDI from the GR55, just to be clear. We want to send AUDIO to test if MG3 is recieveing audio at all.