Triggering GeoSWAM sounds in Geoshred with MG2

I have some of the GeoSWAM sounds in Geoshred and want to trigger them from MG2, either inside the app or with MIDI out. I get a warning in Geoshred that says it’s not possible.

There’s a guy on YouTube who has it working well however, in two different ways: one using a Mosaic script he wrote, and a newer simpler way that apparently does it directly with settings in MG2 and Geoshred. However, despite his attempts to explain, I can’t figure out how it works. Here’s the first method with Mosaic script:

Here’s another video. In the notes he explains the second simpler method, seemingly a direct feed from MG2 to Geoshred:

He says it works by “…simply having MG2 to send on channel 2 while converting Velocity to Channel Pressure…”. I looked in MG2 but can’t see where or how to do this. Furthermore I don’t understand his explanation of what settings are required in Geoshred to get the GeoSWAM sounds working from MG2.

Please could someone who understands this put it in simple, step-by-step language?

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You cannot do it without having some kind of intermediate plugin to route MG2 output which is always on channel 1, to channel 2 which is needed to drive Geoshred SWAM. He uses Mozaic to do this. He mentions that originally he had a more complicated Mozaic plugin to move around some of the sound parameters in Geoshred, but now he still uses a simpler version of the Mozaic plugin but moves the parameters with “CC Pal”, which is not shown on the video. Here are step by step the instructions on how to set up AUM and the plugins without “CCPal”.

Get the script into Mosaic

  1. Click the download arrow on the Midiguitar plugin in the Patchstorage webpage
  2. At the bottom of the browser you should see the link and next to it a blue sign that reads “Download”
  3. Click on it
  4. Once downloaded , in the place where there was the blue “Download”sign there should be a blue sign that reads “ Open in…”
  5. Click on it
  6. In the window that opens up look for the Mosaic application icon and click on it ( if you do not see the Mosaic icon then go to the right end of the icons and click on “More”, scroll down the list and you should see the Mosaic icon ………hey, I am assuming that you bought the Mosaic App from the Appstore…….otherwise there is no way you will find the icon……)
  7. Now the script is loaded into Mosaic. To check if this is true , you now should have the Mosaic app opened , click on the “Load “ menu go to User Patches and scroll down until you find the MG2 plugin. You can click on it and load it into Mosaic if you wish……but it does’nt do anything at this stage.
  8. Now you know that you have the script available in Mosaic

Connect the Midiguitar 2 plugin and route it through Mozaic to drive Geoshred

  1. Open AUM
  2. Click on the + sign , open an Audio channel
  3. On the top circle, the larger one, click on the + sign , look in the Audio Unit Extension menu and find Geoshred, click on it. It should load into AUM
  4. Open another Audio channel , again on the top circle , click the + sign , but this time go into the Hardware Input and click on your audio input ( it should read USB Audio Codec or something similar depending on your interface…etc ).
  5. On the second little circle below the USB Input which you engaged in point 4 above, click on the + sign and open the Audio Unit Extension, look for the Midiguitar2 plugin and click on it.
  6. Now , open yet another channel but this time it is a Midi channel
  7. On the circle of he Midi Channel click on the + sign and open the Audio Unit MIDI Processor , the menu opens up and there you should find Mosaic. Click on it so you load it into the channel.
  8. Open the Mosaic plugin, go into the “Load” menu, and look for the MG2 plugin, click on it to load it, you can now close Mosaic there is not much more to do. If you want to be sure that the script is loaded, there is a “ Code” button next to the “Log” one ( it is hard to see …) click on it and you can see the script, if you happen to make changes to it, you then have to click on the green button “Upload”, otherwise Mosaic will not know you made changes( I am sure that at this stage you will not want to change anything but it is good to know that these things are flexible, and once you get the hang of it , you can start playin around with some of the parameters )
    Connecting the pieces
  9. On the Toolbar above in AUM , at the right hand side , there is an icon that looks like an S , click on it
  10. There you go into the MIDI ROUTING window, The row above are the Inputs the one on the right hand side the outputs
  11. Click on the intersection between the Midi Guitar INPUT , and the Mosaic Output. This action should connect the two plugins with an orange line which has an arrow that points towards the Mosaic Plugin
  12. Now click on the intersection between the MoZaic INPUT and the Geoshred OUTPUT. Again , now you should see an orange line that connects these two plugins , and the arrow is pointing towards the Geoshred.
  13. Now you are all set. Click again on the S icon above to go back to the main window and make the necessary adjustments to the Midi Guitar and load the SWAM Saxophone on the Geoshred plugin.

Both videos use the Mozaic plugin. Except that the first one has a script within Mozaic that handles the Formant, Growl, Flutter and Vibrato to add dimension to tee sound. And on the second video he has a simpler Mozaic script which converts velocity to channel pressure, and he uses " CC Pal " , which is an outside program, not a plugin, to play around with the sound parameters ( Growl, Flutter, etc). You don’t really need to do this if you just want the sax sound straight out of Geoshred. The script he uses the first time is the one that modifies the sound parameters without using *“CC Pal”. If you want to replicate his second simpler version you will have to edit the Mozaic plugin he posted and leave just the velocity to channel pressure code. Again, just one more time to be clear, you always need some way to route CH 1 to CH 2, because MG2 does not allow you to do this within the software. The output is fixed to CH 1… Additionally… You also do not have Channel Pressure data coming out from the MG2.

Thanks for your kind and helpful reply Bonanote! I’ll report back once I (hopefully!) have it working. Cheers, BeePee

Just a few minutes ago there is another guy that managed to make it work with these instructions. Except that for some unknown reason he initially did not get any sound, but he rebooted tbs iPad and then everything worked. ( He posted his comment in the second Youtube video… Which is also where i sent him these instructions )

That’s me Bonanote! Thanks so much, your helpful instructions did the trick. It was the third step of routing the signals in AUM which I hadn’t grasped. Now it’s working well and I can trigger the amazing GeoSWAM sounds via MidiGuitar2. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Good!! Thanks…enjoy it.