Still no joy with validation code. I have submitted email address many, many times but no email with code appears.
The code is not working here mac ventura M2 , after I pasted the code after a while it returns to demo . The code link in my email has expired and can not get another .
I have the same problem, Os X Catalina 10.15.7 and LP 10.6.3
I’ve requested to be a part of BETA several times, but have not received any invite. Can you please send through? Big fan of the plugin, have both guitar and bass use everyday on a variety of DAW’s, Cubase, reason, logic and Ableton and as standalone in element and architect - good candidate for testing stuff.
If you are a customer you should have an email with a link from two days ago (check spam)
Have checked spam and done a search all, nothing from jam origin.
I can report that the standalone now displays mostly correctly on launch (see screenshot) and that the AU version now loads in Logic. However when loading instruments (you have to click on the blank space below Sustainer) you can hear the guitar fine but not the instrument although it looks to be receiving a signal from MG3. Lastly authorisation still does not seem to work still getting popup authorisation window.
Thank you for the continuous reporting!
The UI is quite complex when you dig in… You can load things in all slots and also you have 3 chains… Try “New”… We clearly have a communication/documentation issue here. I can recommend @LoFiLeiF video:
For registration, I just updated the server - and you’ll need to enter your email and get a new code again… if you try again, please try to register with the standalone version (it will apply also in the plugin).
For some of us the button to input the registration code does not appear. See my screenshots above in the thread. Will this be worked on today as part of fixing licensing? I am on OSX Ventura 13.6.4 running on a 1st gen. M1 macbook pro.
Please let me know at which step your experience differ from this:
Click the "I previously purchased… " (a dialog pops up).
Enter email (from your purchase order) into the dialog.
A new dialog pops up waiting for your code.
Check email - it seems it often ends up in email spam folders.
In the email, click the link to get a page with your license code.
Paste license code into the dialog in MG3 (ctrl-V doesn’t seem to work, but right click mouse/“Paste” does)
Now the button comes back and it should say Activated.
Thanks so much for quick response. Indeed it worked now. The first time I entered my email the pop window to enter the activation code did not pop up, but now it did! Looking forward to more testing, I will submit a bug report / suggestions for enhancements shortly.
Lol yes. Clicking on ‘New’ fixed the issue with not hearing instruments.Thanks for posting the vid.
As soon as I open MG3 plugin with Logic Pro by clicking on row 1-2-3 it doesn’t change the dimensions. The patch is Midi Guitar Mini. When I click on preferences (buy button above) and choose Audio Device a window opens but it does not show the name of my USB audio interface. If I then click on More Options nothing opens and takes me directly back to the main page. If I then click on Midi Output and select Instruments it lets me choose my installed plugins (by the way does it read AU, VST or both?). Clicking on row 1-2-3 still does not change size.
When you run as a plugin in Logic, there is surely no audio devices. That’s expected. It’s running on the Audio input from Logic. But I see we should remove that “Audio Devices” button from the plugin version.
I see the rows does not change, in the MINI Patch, but please create a NEW patch. You get a UI with many more features.
I still have to fully understand the new reality I have entered, I will watch the video “MIDI Guitar 3 Introduction - a first look inside” by LoFiLeiF more carefully! I created a new patch and now row 1-2-3 works perfectly.
I think you are not alone. We clearly have a communication challenge
UI and Screen Resolution:
Regardless of the screen resolution I use, I still have to scroll right to see the full chain. A workaround is to utilize three rows. Will you consider implementing adaptive scaling to the one row mode in the GUI?
Thank you for feedback! Everything is possible. Let’s collect more feedback and figure out what works best for UI.
I understand what you say, but “seeing the whole chain” will always be relative to how much stuff you put in that chain. And right now you can see the chain, regardless of how much you put in there if you make the window shorter in height.
Indeed! That is a workaround with the cost of loosing the “Full screen” mode.
I am standalone on a laptop with no external monitor.
The “hight scaling” is possible usefull running several instances of MG3 i a DAW, i have not tested that.
Not sure if it’s user error, but I can’t play anything above high E on the 12th fret. Ableton 12, newest MG3 beta build.