V Winds Clarinets vs Swam Clarinets for MG2

Hi everyone. I noticed that Acousticsamples just released their new V Winds Clarinets. Right now it’s sold at an introduction discount until November 30th, which makes it a bit tempting. I wonder if anyone here has had the time to check it out and compare it to SWAM Clarinets. I have originally been saving up to buy SWAM Clarinets, but now I am a little bit unsure of which to get.
Hans Jørgen

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Hi Hans Jørgen
I am really interested in these as well, especially the Bass Clarinets (of course). I just haven’t got the funds right now to go ahead and test everything. But if these are anything like the other Vhorns, my best GUESS is that they will sound fantastic, but play a bit less than great. It is something about the connection and the dynamics. These instruments aren’t as nimble as the SWAM instruments. The VHorn saxes sounded better (more sax-like at least), but I didn’t get the feeling of actually playing a real instrument in the way I do with the SWAM instruments. I am hoping for someone to prove me wrong here because I would love it if Acousticsamples started making those small changes needed for their instruments to be really top-notch in terms of playability. I’ll follow this with interest! :face_with_monocle:

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Yes. I guess you are right. :slightly_smiling_face: So I decided to play it safe and get the SWAM Clarinets instead. The playability and immersion is what makes it special for me. Audiomodeling just started their Black Friday sale today, so for the discounted price it was a total no brainer.
Take care.

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I believe that is a wise move. We KNOW that the AM instruments both play and sound great (and as you know, I am particularly fond of the Bass clarinet). Hope you get a lot of mileage out of your purchase. :+1:

And let’s see if someone else goes for the Acousticsamples clarinets too. :face_with_monocle:

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Agreed, and yes I get your love for the bass clarinet. I really enjoyed your bass clarinet performance on YouTube. It was both beautiful and inspiring. Gave me some ideas on what can be done. I see Ableton 12 is coming with enhanced tools for generative music, and I am already dreaming of improvising over an auto-generated track in Live. Well. You put me on to that idea a long time ago with one of your videos. What’s changed is that Live 12 supposedly will come with tools to simply the process. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you @Hjv :pray:
I have been eyeing the coming Abelton 12 release too, with some interest. Hopefully, there is going to be enough stuff in there to warrant that additional upgrade cost. I feel I am becoming more and more scrutinizing as some companies like UVI offer their upgrades for free ( Falcon 2 to Falcon 3 :star_struck:) I haven’t had the time to check it out properly yet but Abelton usually comes with a lot of interesting stuff, so I’ll probably upgrade somewhere along the line anyway. But truth be told, I am not using it as much as I used to. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Yes. I didn’t think the upgrade to 12 was all that expensive, so I decided to just order it. I’ve skipped versions before, from eight to ten, but that was because my studio gear was just collecting dust, due to me working all the time. I saw that the Falcon 3 update is free. That’s pretty cool. I didn’t have Falcon from before, but it’s been on my list of instruments to get when I could afford it. To me it looks like one of the most exciting and versatile instruments/platforms out there. When I saw the low intro price for version 3 I finally pulled the trigger. On top of that I got a 100 euro voucher included in the deal, that I was able to combine with their black week sale to get Augmented Orchestra for just a third of the price. Also one that I’ve been wanting for a while. So I’m a pretty happy boy. :upside_down_face:

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I bet you are! That was a great deal! Falcon is by far my favorite environment to use, especially with the possibility of building my own MPE presets, as well as revamping any old instrument to MPE. It is crazy, how much you can do with it. And I just invested in Augmented Orchestra myself, and it seems awesome so far. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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