
Do VST3 work well for MG2.2.1? I’m trying to make a folder to scan and only want to include very specific plugins.
Idealy there would be one Folder to scan.
Some of these add up to GB of data and don’t want to duplicate that.
currently scanning these paths:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

VST3s should generally work fine. You can set which fodlers to scan in MG.
To cherrypick plugins:
Preferences => Data Folder => Plugins64 => delete the text files for the plugins you don’t want in MG. Restart MG.

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Instead of Deleting the “.txt” files in this folder, how to comment them out instead?
To keep track of all the plugins, I would like to still have the List of “.txt” files in this folder, without MG2 showing or loading them.

For your info:

Midi controllers do not function with VST3 and MG2 using the UVIWorkstation.

See this posts:

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Thanks for that update.
WTF - I was just told "VST3s should generally work fine. "

…so VST3 work, but not their controllers, so don’t use VST3

is this the final answer?

Thanks for feedback. I wasnt aware of this issue.

It has been fixed with MG3 where you can explicitly choose which controllers to forward to the individual plugins running.

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