I too am having issues with the tuner being hard to see in a live setting. I dont want to have to keep walking over to/looking at a screen. I have a feature request that I think will offer one solution.
Is it possible for MIDI Guitars built in tuner, when activated, to send out a realtime stream of MIDI data of both the current note and how many cents sharp or flat that note is? Because then I can send that MIDI to my modded FCB1010’s LED display, and show the note Im tuning, as well as if its sharp or flat, so I dont ever have to look at my screen.
Im not sure the exact format the MIDI data should be in, but I am using Reaper and writing a custom JSFX plugin to parse the MIDI stream and send it to the FCB1010 would be a cinch, as long as it contained both the current note, and how sharp/flat it is.
Allthough technically a nice idea, the forwarding of the tuning info is not a proper solution. If the tuner is not readable enough, we need to improve that, instead of relying on people’s ingenuity to display it somewhere else…
It is on the list.
Thanks for the response @Paul, and I agree the forwarding of MIDI data is not a general solution. I still hope you guys will consider making the forwarding though
Well…MG allready does the forwarding actually:
if you make a patch without sound, with bends switched on, you allready have a perfect tuning forwarding machine. Any other format for output would be none-midi standard.
For my part, I use for some time MG2 as a plugin into a vst host (Gig Performer).
So I use Gig Performer’s tuner which opens full screen, with background color changing when well tuned, and I can look at it from far.
Thats a really good idea - if I just use the pitch bend midi data combined with the note on/off, I can parse that with JSFX and send it to my FCB1010. Thanks