MIDI Guitar 3.0.60 beta update is out! (now also on Windows)

MIDI Guitar 3.0.60 BETA:

Its been a while, mainly due to tracking developments and the iOS version that was already released over here. It’s possible that this update was rushed a bit and a follow-up may appear in the next few days.

Tracking updates:

MG Hex:

Module/Plugin selector:

  • Modules sorted into categories (@Herold, only a start I know…)
  • Module search by typing (find Plugins, IRs, Backing Tracks, Neural Amps, etc…) (@Herold)
  • Option to show only show essential modules or midi machines (@stewiemac, @xtenkfarpl, @edm11)
  • Hexaphonic category is hidden when using vanilla MG3 tracker. (@Vaultnaemsae)

New features:

  • Patch bay envelope editor (range and curve editor for expression pedals) (@LoFiLeiF).
  • Patch bay can also output polyphonic strike/pressure/brightness envelopes.
  • DAW parameter control: 9 parameters are visible to the DAW which controls CC1…9 in the patch bay (@xtian82)
  • MIDI Output module can output to midi devices or directly to DAW (@Vaultnaemsae).
  • New Audio Device module lets you run a secondary audio interface on a chain (@xtian82).
  • New Whammy module.
  • Default patches (more information later)

Neural Amps:

  • Neural amp models (developed by Steven Atkinson) natively supported. Set a folder for .nam models in preferences/plugins.
  • Hex drive neural amps: With hexaphonic inputs, Neural amps will automatically be loaded in 6 instances for reduced intermodulation distortion, cleaner/synthier overdrive.
  • Work-in-progress…


  • Be more tolerant to DAWs which process large or varying buffer sizes (@the_redshift).
  • A potential crash bug was addressed (maybe fixed @MegaJordon).
  • A potential black screen bug was addressed (maybe fixed @SumitEdwin).
  • Various hardening of file access/security for Apple hardened runtime.

User interface:

  • Zoom option in the “rows” selector, will auto-tile modules for maximizing screen estate (useful for small windows and iPads).
  • Textual search in most menus/selectors.
  • Keyboard note lazers.
  • Graphic option to adjust text size in menus/selectors.
  • Text size in menus/selectors is monitor DPI aware.
  • Easier disconnecting of cables (hold mouse button).
  • Option to disable patch change via arrow keys.

Download for Mac and Windows
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Ole! You delivered a ton of new features! First of all THANK YOU (in capital letters!!!).
That will keep me busy for ages! :slight_smile:


This will fulfill a lot of wishes. Thank you!
Now if I only had a Mac… Oh well will just have to wait a little longer.


Loving the new string tuning for Hex! Thanks for the update!


AMAZING update — thank you!

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Actually Jamorigin is an Alien AI company that creates addictive software so to distract all the Guitarists in the world and takeover Planet Earth. In any case, Aliens : You’ll find me busy when you’ll arrive!!! :innocent: :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for the update! Tuning works great. Now all my open strings track on my C6 pedal steel neck.

I’d be curious for your thoughts regarding what context things get saved to. Things can save based on the DAW saved state, via the built in patch system, or to the computer such that they are shared across all instances of MG3 running on the system. The tuning seems to fall in the last category.
Pro: your tuning persists across all your patches, so if you want to make a change you don’t need to do it 10 times
Con: there’s no way to have multiple instances of MG3 on the same computer that use different tunings.

For me, I need two instances of MG3 to cover my 10 strings. So MG3 instance 1 string 1 covers string 1, MG3 instance 2 string 1 covers string 2, MG3 instance 1 string 2 covers string 3, etc. This means that I need to set the tuning to the lower of the two strings rather than have each instance set properly. It works great but perhaps there is some impact on the tracking.

I wonder if there is a solution which would allow for easy tuning changes across many patches while still allowing multiple instances to have different tunings.

Nice to see a new version of MG3!
I use a Hex tracker, using an GM800. Very fast indeed!
I have never had so much fun playing MIDI from my guitar!

I have noticed some problems though.

  1. Especially when CC74 is active, MG3 tends to choke. That is it stops sending MIDI data.
  2. If I play the same note on one string as a loose string, the note will not trig again or trigs late.
    But if I play the same note on the same string, MG3 trigs immediately every time.

I am confused about the routing of audio through MG3.
I can’t find a way to prevent the sound from my GM800 coming through.
The only way I could solve it is to only route MIDI from MG3.

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Hi Claes!

Would you care to elaborate on that CC74 issue. I have never experienced any tracking lagging related to using CC74 for any instrument myself. What instruments are you triggering when this happens, and how are you setting them up. Best is of course a screen grab of the MG3 UI with all the settings visible. :grinning:

About the same note/same string trigger fail, could it be you are playing a non bend instrument (like a piano) with the MPE bends interfering? Try using the “CHROMATIC” module from the MIDI Machines, if thta is the case. Or if this happens with the standard MIDI Guitar 3 tracker you can use the Polyphonic NO BEND setting on the tracker itself. :+1:

I have a pedal installed for the volume and set it just to “zero”. The Hex PU raw signals still will be available to be processed with MG3Hex. Give it a try to “mute” the GM-800 synth output.

@ClaesOlsson, You could also create a blank GM-800 preset for dedicated use with MG3. I do something similar to this with the SY-1000.

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Hello LoFiLeif
Yes, I am using a Keyscape piano. I have set MIDI output to “NO BENDS”.
I connected the Brightness modulator to CC74 in MIDI output.
I play a fast arpeggio on my guitar and MIDI transmission stops after a while.
The MIDI monitor in Cubase confirms this.
I enclose screenshots of my setup. MG3 runs stand alone.

About double notes. I tried inserting “Chromatic”. The behaviour is the same.

Thank you for your response!
Love your videos!

Claes Olsson

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I tried to reproduce the scenario. I don’t have the Keyscape piano VST and took the EZKey2 plugin. Since brightness has no function on that VST I routed Brilliance to CC1 and connected the brightness modulator to it. The MIDI monitor in Cubase shows that all is transmitted correct and there are no issues with the transmission when playing fast arpeggios.
It almost got me with the “double” notes. I used the guitar I have the GK-5 installed with an extra cable to a slot in my mixer. But I also had the Serial GK cable connected and the GM-800 also on that mixer and iMac via USB. In Cubase I had “all MIDI inputs” selected by default > now MG3 standalone and the GM-800 were sending MIDI data which caused a sort of double notes.

Edit: I just realized that you made this experience using the Hex tracker > I also tried this. First all looked OK but after playing fast arpeggios for about 1 minute it resulted in a freeze of the entire computer and a restart initiated by the system after some time!

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Hi @ClaesOlsson

I think you might be on to something. I too got some unorthodox values with using a MIDI Monitor on the MGHEX MIDI Output. I believe it might be related to a lack of “note-off” messages (when using CC74?) causing stuck notes, but we will have to see what @Jamo comes up with.

Thanks for pointing it out though. I had a hard time getting anything strange at all in the beginning, trying to replicate that. :+1:

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Thank you guys. I think this must be something recently introduced in 3.0.60. I’ll get it sorted out.


One picky, so not super urgent as it does not affect output.

The String tuning module for hexaphonic string tuning is MOST welcome, for us alternate tuning players.

However, after just a little use I find the input of values in the tuning fields cumbersome. It may my imac/mouse combo but I find the need to move the whole mouse to scroll to change values cumbersome and the field change is not super responsive either.

It would be welcome (I cannot see if this is available achievable?) to have either or both:

  1. Direct value entry by clicking field and typing in a value
  2. Use the mouse wheel (if available) to scroll through values

Looking forward, An ability to load/save some tuning presets would be most welcome.

For now though it is simply a dream to change string tunings, so a big thanks.


I’ve been making a list of things that could be finessed/improved tonight including all of your above points and a bunch more. But it’s just so absolutely wonderful to have the String Retuning module now along with the MIDI Out module’s variable port selection and extended range capabilities for Hex!

The good news is you can save MG3 patches/presets with different retuning configs — I’ve already saved a handful of these in a Hex Tunings preset folder — all are built on the MG3 MINI preset so I can switch between a bunch of tunings very quickly and efficiently. It’s one of the the features I’ve been waiting for with the greatest interest since MG3 Hex landed.

Thanks @JamO for making all of this possible for the MIDI Guitar community! :slightly_smiling_face:


Superb update… So Far so good…

Hello @Dutti67
I notice that you have connected Brightness to CC1 instead of CC74.
Maybe you could test it again.

Claes Olsson

Hello Claes, I did that intentionally since the used VST will not react on receiving CC74. I was using the brightness modulator envelope to control CC1 which I connected to the brilliance amount setting inside the VST. Anyhow CC74 gets transmitted because MPE is enabled it’s just not doing anything. Let Ole look into that issue.